Friday, June 24, 2011


It's a warm, bright summer day and I'm craving something sweet. Although I'm not allowing myself desserts right now, I've got a couple ideas on my mind for the ultimate mid-afternoon-on-a-Friday-in-June snack.

 - Strawberry Sorbet
Prepare fresh strawberries by washing them and removing the hulls. Crush two-thirds into a paste then add the remaining third that have been sliced. Add sugar to taste and mix evenly. Put into freezer-proof container and freeze until solid. Add fresh mint leaves for extra flavor when serving (or eat right out of the bowl).

- Brownie Sundae
Bake up a tray of your favorite brownies - but take them out of the oven just when the edges are cooked. Let it cool for 20 minutes. Spread your favorite flavor of ice cream (I recommend mint chocolate chip or coffee) evenly across the surface. Pop into freezer until the ice cream has hardened (if you can wait that long). Top with fudge sauce, honey roasted peanuts or whatever you're craving.

- Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie
Save time and throw your dough for a batch of chocolate chip cookies into an un-greased 10 inch pie pan. Bake until the top is slightly golden brown - the center should be gooey. Slice, er, spoon out portions and top with vanilla ice cream a la mode.

Hmmm. The strawberry sorbet isn't exactly a dessert... or is it?

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